Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wasp Nest


Love how serious he takes his job!

Brown Frog

I took this shot of a brown frog in my first days of owning my D60, it was late at night and decided to go outside when I spotted him. I got him at ISO 200 with 1/60 sec at f5.6 with a 55 mm lens, and makes his bubble eyes POP!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Writing Spider

I may have to consider an exterminating career with this one. A writing spider almost the size of my fist right on my yard. Never seen one of those until now.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Light

Before I started this blog with so many ideas in mind but with so little time to do so much. I think better at night and would rather be ,outside taking photos so I can create at night. This candle which I turned into my version of  an HDR Photo would be the first step in this blog. When ever I need inspiration I focus on the energy the fire gives.

On the way to greatness

So much to do so little time. This is my first blog spot and so far looking good. Now its time to hit the road and get some great shots.